The blue Dot Project

The blue Dot Project

As you may know, we live on a rock. Yes, a round one. Now that I have alienated Flat Earthers, let me tell you why you are here. We are here to once and for all decide the case of someone we all call God. In American justice system, there are 12 jurors who decide whether a person is guilty or not. I think it is about time we did the same thing about our questions on God. Our mission today is to reach a verdict by the end of this blog, one way or the other. You may take your seats.

The crime

The oldest question ever asked is quite easily “Where do we belong in this universe”, The obvious answer would be “oh, charles we are just a speck of dust”. Rising CO2 levels and global catastrophies are evidences that we not just a mere speck of dust. A speck of dust doesn’t kill a planet that is travelling at 1000mph. Therefore, we ARE something. What are we? How did we get here? Did someone make us? Did we come from the animals?

Fast forward to 2023, it is evident that humans have caused so much more damage than anything on this planet. Except maybe less damage than the good old meteorite bob who decimated our dinosaur friends and invariably helped middle eastern countries have insane amount of oil wells which in turn made Ronaldo secure an insane contract worth $4 million dollars per week which in turn helped Al-Nassr get 3 points in a game. (Talk about dominos effect, umm dominos.)

So who is responsible for this? oh, not the contract. I mean, who is responsible for us? We didn’t come out of thin air. Something must have happened for us to be here. So whose fault is it? We have two suspects. One is evolution created us. The other one (who is a crowd favorite also ordained as villain by the social media) yours truly – God.

There has to be a mechanism in place for us to thrive. A simple creation wouldn’t mean successful multiplication of the species. We all know about creating things on labs, we make a less hostile environment for things to grow. Whoever responsible for creating us, must have used a mechanism that is safe for us right? Common sense?Let’s examine the evidence that has been submitted

Covid, a virus, allegedly the creation of God (Cirumstancial evidence) killed 6 million people (Exhibit A).

On the other hand, World war 2, survival of the fittest, the very mechanism that supposedly kick started evolution, killed ~70 million people. (Exhibit B)

Now, you can be brilliant and argue God created Hitler. Therefore God is responsible for killing us the most. I would agree with you and save a lot of time because, it proves the point that God is responsible for creation of a human and we can throw evolution out of the window. Let’s not get desperate. Focus on one thing at a time, shall we?

Charles Darwin, a lovely guy, traveling on this wonderful ship called HMS Beagle, who collected Bugs as a hobby, had an idea. Its not far fetched to think everything came from a single organism when there are so much similarities. I will not undermine a man’s hardwork. I have read his biography and truly it is hard work to find the connections between species.

But is it possible he was trying to explain creation and stumbled across a process he had no idea who invented it in the first place?

I am not claiming that I KNOW and therefore you should accept that God created us and he is a good God. I am wise enough to know people’s opinions do not change.

All I am saying is, could it be possible that God just might have created us and evolution is the way to do it?

The witness stand

It would be irresponsible for us, the jury, to discuss this case without considering the witness testimonies. Interestingly, in our criminal case, the witness as well as the crime are one at the same. It’s us humans.

The witness testimony is as follows
If God is good, he will not let people suffer. If people suffer and he cannot stop it, then he is not that powerful to make entire planets. If he is truly powerful and he cannot stop it, he is truly evil. Hence, my choices are either blame God or accept that he doesn’t exist.

– A weeping 25 year old who saw wildfires consume her village

Okay, I never said this trial was going to be all ice creams and roses. Not that those two things ever need to come together. But the witness makes some very interesting points. We cannot assume that suffering is just for humans in this case. Truely, God is also punishing wildlife. Natural disasters are often refered by insurance companies as ‘Acts of God’. So we have solid evidence that God orchestrated this.

But wait! I thought God didn’t exist so far. Stay with me here. We are onto something.

If people suffering is good enough to accept that God doesn’t exist, then of course God doesn’t exist. So why do people still suffer if there is not a big evil puppet upstairs trying to bring us down every direction we turn? So we are okay suffering anyway, we just don’t like having someone do it for us? That doesn’t add up, does it?

There has to be more than people suffering to have evidence God doesn’t exist right? If he is the instrument of pain, then he exists. There is no debate. If there is suffering, there is God. He might be evil but there is someone, isn’t there?

I am not claiming that I KNOW and therefore you should accept that God is real and he is evil.

All I am saying is, could it be possible that God just might exist and he is evil?

The murder weapon

Oh sweet religion, how deep is your thirst to make God inaccessible to people! Yes, Allegedly the evil genius upstairs used religion to convert people, start wars and conflicts between people which ended up in bloodshed. Therefore God is definetly evil. This murder weapon called Religion, of all things, this toothpick, murdered millions of people. A concept of society, a simple gathering of people was manipulated by the same guy who created mountains to turn us against each other, hate each other and make us feel lonely.

I don’t know about you guys, but if anyone is that evil, wouldn’t we be all dead by now? There is an interesting loop here that runs very true to the previous things submitted in this criminal case.

In order to accept that God is evil, we need solid evidence that we are all dead, which unfortunately if you are reading this blog, we are pretty alive. 8 billion people is still very much alive. So we do not have solid evidence that an evil person with insane amount of strength to move space and time is trying to kill us. If anything, we are thriving. Not by fighting our territorial neighbors, which is what evolution will have us do, in fact thats exactly what evolution looks like if we were to thrive on our own accord.

Most of the world, still is a beautiful place. We are still good people. We still care and love. We still fight for what is right. There are still dogs in this planet. There is still Lord of the rings trilogy. There is still enough life in this planet that we can accept that the big guy is not out there to kill us all.

What if Earthquakes and Tsunamis, diseases, financial problems are all circumstancial evidences? Isn’t our responsibility as jurors to see clearly through the mist? Or do you think because one of the lawyers of evolution, or a lawyer of God was charming, we just submit a verdict and call it a day? We shouldn’t send someone innocent to jail, right?

I am not claiming that I KNOW and therefore you should accept that God is Good and he is not all that powerful.

All I am saying is, could it be possible that God is real, and he is Good but maybe powerless?

The Forensics

By now you think I have an agenda. I can assure you, I am writing this on a saturday morning at 11am. I would rather very gladly play Call of Duty. I think I stumbled upon something interesting and we should pursue it that is all. After all, what is the use of living if you don’t question the very existence of a supposed God.

Ah! That brings us to the vital part of this case. To test if God is very powerful or not. Some of you might have this very question below

“What if God is evil and he is powerless so he tries to kill us from time to time but not enough to wipe us out.”

You make a very excellent point. I totally agree. That can explain why we are still here. That could explain why God allows suffering to take place.

By default what we are also saying is that, the inverse is true. God is good and he is powerful. Its either this or that.

So once we figure out how powerful God exactly is, we can safely say if he is good or not. That is the key metric. In this forensic report, If he is too powerful, then we can agree he is good. If he is not too powerful, we can agree he is evil. We haven’t got all day, so let’s jump in shall we?

As mentioned earlier, Of course, God is to be blamed for the creation. As far as I know, we have managed to bring a pig back to life. Thats the edge of science today. What would it take to create an entire planet? What would it take to make sure that it is habitable? The power that is required to engineer this design, this machine of a planet that is revolving around a gigantic nuclear reactor. Oh there is radiation from the sun, no problem, lets put a blanket of atmosphere. Oh the atmosphere can also prevent space debris. It can trap UV radiation. “WHAT”?

Thats just a sentence in a big log book of planet creation. We struggle to design a proper charging station for an EV car. I think it would take someone extremely smart, extremely powerful and extremely curious person to build a planet and life with it.

If all this flies away from your mind. Think about this. An ocean wave. You cannot fight an ocean wave. You cannot. Nobody on the planet can stop the ocean from having waves. You stand on the beach, you will know. The wave never stops. It comes back over and over again, every single moment. Thats the power of a wave. Now imagine what power an entity could have if they were to create it?

I am not claiming that I KNOW of the extent of God’s powers, but could it be possible he is more powerful than we can comprehend? Could it be possible?

The verdict

Where am I going with this? If God is powerful, real and good, then why does bad things happen to good people? What is the motive here? If we can’t establish a motive, there is no crime. What is the motive for the suffering? Why does God stand and do nothing if he is all so powerful?

Often times, when you blame an innocent, you never get the answer to the “why”

I think I have an understanding of why bad things happen purely from a design stand point. I have two words why there is such a flaw in this carefully planned out system.

Its called Free will.

There are many things math can explain. No matter how much you try, math cannot compute free will. In fact, all the recent talk about artifical intelligence, we are too scared of it having free will. Why? We have no idea what it is capable of. Imagine there are 8 billion of them, self sustaining, self replicating. Damaging the planet. What would you do? I guess, the logical explanation is to pull the plug.

One of the key differences in free will is that we often assume that it is given to us alone. There is also free will of the planet. To everything you see, there is some degree of freedom.

We didn’t dominate the world because we are smarter, we did it because we had more free will than anything on the planet. When designing something as massive as a planet, you cannot have rigid rules. It would simply break. A simple phone has hundreds of bug fixes even after years and years of research. You need some flexibility in order to manage unforseen circumstances.

Earthquakes, Tsunamis and other natural disasters are free will of mother earth.

We feel the full brunt of it because it is happening on a massive scale. Even mosquitos have free will to bite whom they want. Are you going to say God doesn’t exist if a dog barks at you instead of someone else?

We are the epitome of Free will gone wrong, and also good at the same time. We create dangerous things and force them to do good. We are brilliant idiots.

I don’t think we will find alien life in outerspace. We are the first ones. We are supposed to prove that the design works. That free will is good enough power to take care of the planet and we screwed it up to epic proportions. What if we are the prototype for creating other life on other planets? What if we are the reason why entire galaxies are empty?

If “We” don’t work, life doesn’t work.

There aren’t going to be other species. Nothing on other planets. If you are searching for a purpose in life, it is to take care of things. I bet you will feel better. It is the one hardwired algorithmic function of a human. To take care of the surroundings. To take care of each other. I dare you to stop doing any of that, you are going to feel depressed. If you want time travel, aliens, space ships and all that science wants you to offer, then we have to figure out how to fix ourselves.

This blue rock is all we got. This rock is all the universe is got. If we don’t make this work, there isn’t going to be another planet that has life in it. You can kiss your alien space ship goodbye. I simply don’t see a point where life will be created elsewhere after we sabotaged so much.

As far as I can see, God only had two options, Either give free will to his creation and trust them to do what is right or make them as minions and be a control freak. Guess what he chose? He chose to trust us and here we are debating if he is real or not.

Why God cannot stop suffering before it happens? Why bad things happen to good people? It is because of the ability to even ask these questions.

How do you know if a thing is alive? Science explains that it had to have a cell structure, able to grow, replicate and make use of the energy in the surroundings. I think that’s a long way of saying, if you have free will, you are alive.

Thus concludes The case of The blue dot project vs. The people. I as Juror #[REDACTED] vote for God not guilty for suffering. If you feel the same, raise your hands. If you don’t, let’s keep the conversation going. Share it with your friends and see what they think.

Cast your votes on the comment section. Remeber you can vote either guilty or not guilty.

Thanks for your patience. We will convene again, once the results are ready. Court adjourned.

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