Prayer Unknown BattleGround

Prayer Unknown BattleGround

Life is so similar to a game. Some people play it casually, while others take it very seriously. A few of them brag about their achievements, while others are secretly amazing at it. We all have wanted to have that chicken dinner, didn’t we? Regardless of whether you are a gamer or not, I am pretty sure you don’t want to be on the losing side. Life can be really harsh sometimes and you don’t get to choose where you land, what kind of weapons you are gifted with. From the day you are born till the day you die, you are dropped into this world where anyone is willing to kill for victory. Unlike the famous game that everyone was raving about a few months before, You don’t have a choice but to play this one. Are you ready player one? Welcome to Prayer Unknown BattleGround.

World Map

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Of course, you don’t always land where you wanted or got what you needed. I can confidently say there is always that regret in every grown-up man who played street cricket that he couldn’t make it to the International team. Every girl who wanted to be a dancer is working in a software company where people recognize only when it is showtime. People who took part in Masterchef competitions die of cancer. I lost my friend from college because of cancer. There is sickness in this world that we live in. Where is God? What is he doing? How can he let a 12-year-old girl suffer from sexual abuse? If he is all powerful, why is the world map full of suffering and oppression?

Well, You are living in a broken world, my friend. This is not heaven.

Heaven is where good people do not get the sickness. Children are not abused. Women are not raped. Men won’t be killed from explosions. That is what heaven is. It is a place far different from the world that you live in where sin cannot corrupt your mind. For those of you who are intelligent than me, picture this. Remember that last childhood memory of you giggling or being on somebody’s shoulder without even knowing who it is? You would have been probably two years old. Fresh out of the oven. Now tell me, How much would you pay to be in that state of mind? If you think, you are doing much better as an adult, congratulations – You are in this amazing place we call, Delusion.

Heaven is not an experience, it is an actual place. It may seem so stupidly unbelievable yet, I am writing to people who read about Hogwarts and wished with all their soul that such a place existed. There is a better place than where you are currently living in. God isn’t watching all of this with his hands folded and let people die, He is calling towards you so that you would stop living this amazingly birdboxed life that you are living, saying that God doesn’t exist because you see suffering. Honey, you are traveling in a bus and complaining about why there is no kitchen and so many people are starving. Once you get off the bus, you would know that instead of complaining about not having a kitchen, you could have been content that you had air to breathe. Become some of us don’t get even that.

You can play safe and deny God’s existence, giving suffering as an excuse when you are actually in the wrong place. I really hope that you don’t end calling one random friend to the other when you are depressed and not get any better.

Yes. Depression is real. But when you believe in God, Depression flees. Your call.

P.S – The above fact is scientifically proven.

Click here to read the full analysis done by the United Nations Library of Medicine


APex Predator


Now that you know all about the world you are living in, wouldn’t it be nice to know who is out for your blood? I know you have had some disappointments in life. It could be anything, from your hair not curling up as it should or your father fighting for his life in the ICU. As long as you are breathing, you would have trouble. Sometimes, it feels like you got hit out of nowhere. You never saw it coming. You never thought that the person would break your heart. You never thought you will loose these people. You never thought you would end up in the place that you are right now. Some people call it bad luck, unfortunate events, unlucky and all the Oxford words that have negativity in it. I am a caveman, so I am going to call it Satan.

As long as I am convinced that I am not a tree, I will believe in the spirit world. Because I am much more than a lump of meat. What makes you cry when your dog dies (touch wood) is not that it lost its body, it is because it is losing its spirit along with it. We can never make friends with certain people and have no idea why.ย  The spirit world is real my futuristic laser beam friend,ย  if you have attended a funeral you probably wouldn’t need a convincing. I am not saying this to scare you, it is to make you understand that there a price on your head whether you like it or not. You remember that satisfaction you get when you hit a guy from a sniper scope 500 m from your vantage point? (Yes, I play as a sniper, pet peeves) That is how much satisfaction satan gets when he hits you from a long way off. When you do everything right but still shit happens. Well, Shit doesn’t just happen, they have been sniped into your life.

If you have a dysfunctional family or more commonly known as “Yeah, we are good”, chances are that you would be attracted to someone who has the same demons. Satan is not a dude with horns and fangs, he is an apex predator.

First, he gets into the head of the family. It could be you, it could be your father or anyone who is in charge of leading. Most teenagers who indulge in substance abuse do not have a father to lead by an example. Almost every divorce or a broken relationship is not entirely the fault of the couple. It is because of the problems they have inherited from their grandfathers.

There are things you do that you don’t even know where it came from. You snap for something silly and then wonder why did I do that. You have been in that web for too long that you are starting to feel like that is who you are. The funny thing is, around some point you take ownership. You feel that it is your right to snap. Then you convince others that they have to deal with it. Now fast forward twenty years, the same cycle repeats with your kids. Maybe if you had known that your grandfather used to get angry all the time and yell at your dad who kept yelling in front of you to other people for silly things, it suddenly got to you.

Satan will bring his worst nightmare to the head of the family. That is why marriages are important. You need to tell the world who is in charge and you would need all the blessing you can get from your loved ones. Not just for you, for your kids as well.

The way I see it, I am in a wrong place with a red dot on my face and I am running through life, saying that I am in total control of my life. It sure does feel stupid when you realize the bigger picture.

The greatest trick the devil can pull off is that he doesn’t exist.

Forgive me for stealing a movie line but that is the truth. The generation today has relationships with each other with no strings attached. Momentary sex is like drinking from whatever tap is open. You can drink, smoke and pretty much do whatever you can. The worse part is that those aren’t even your thoughts. Did you by your own personal self come up with an idea of drinking or smoking? Nope. I always hope that people don’t just drink, they should own it. They should be okay when their sons drink and when those kids drink, We sit behind the newspaper and judge as if it has nothing to do with our college days.

You don’t live only once. You have consensual sex with your valentine to have a cute little baby. That cute little kid is a part of you. You live forever, you dumbass.

The weapon

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Well, it seems pretty much one-sided, isn’t it? You lust for things, there are so many rules, So many restrictions. We want to quench our thirst but we don’t care how. Religion has become like a rash. You are better off being all-inclusive, all affirming, love abiding, all pleasure-seeking person than the person with faith and rules. I don’t blame you but remember you aren’t born bad. There is a line between good and bad. That line is tilted towards the bottom, it is easier to slide to the bottom than to climb to the top. It is not your fault that you crave for certain things. You didn’t want to do so many things but now you have convinced yourself that you love them.

But there is a golden weapon that when you pick it up the enemy trembles.

That weapon is a prayer.

There are so many versions to this because there are so many Gods out there. You are old enough and wise enough to know who you are going to follow. I hope it is not inherited from your family because then you would have serious prejudice. You are a fully grown human being and you have the exact same brain cells I have, you can figure out whom you are going to pray to.

I am going to give you the shortest version of what I believe in. Satan was once an angel, the same angel who used to worship God, was banished from heaven because he wanted all the glory for himself. So when God banished him, guess what he lost? He lost his ability to worship.

Satan can do a lot of things. He can give you sickness, depression, anxiety, lust, short temper, addiction, stress, financial deprivation, hunger, disappointment, fear, and shame. but the one thing he cannot do is take away your ability to worship.

So when you are down and depressed, Sing a little louder. When you see someone who has hurt you, bless them a little longer. Because every time you worship God, or talk about Christ, you are reminding the devil what he can never have. And that drives him crazy. I don’t know about your life, Mine is not a bed of roses, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. Honestly, with whatever has happened in my life, with the kind of person I am, I would be in Jail. But instead I have a job, and I have peace in my life.

The world did not give peace to me and the world cannot take it away.ย  I know Christianity says that if you slap me I will give you another cheek for you to slap. But that applies only for people. When satan slaps any of you with disappointment, regret or anything that robs your peace, slap him back. Jesus Christ is not a religious figure and a guy who gets you cake during Christmas. He is not for those who have got it all figured out, he is for those who are struggling every day with their dreams being crushed, with illness and debt and bad rivalry among their relatives.

The last of us

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If you chose to take Jesus in your team, You are going to win. He is the most unbelievable player in life. I don’t know about you but I would rather have him in my team than to run across with no ammo and health. There is no enemy that he doesn’t know, no places that he cannot go. He came into this world and won the game. Everything from shame to death, he has seen it all. I know it sounds corny to believe in someone whom I haven’t seen or have pictures of.ย  But I can tell you that I haven’t made it to the finishing point yet but I do have my moments when I know for sure that it is God who made it happen.

It is rude to ignore someone who has been with you ever since you were a kid. Maybe you are hearing about him for the first time. Doesn’t matter, there is plenty of room. You are always welcome home. Whatever you are going through, whether you are bleeding from injury and need a medic, or you need someone to cover your back while you sprint across enemy territory. Christ has got you in his hands and he will tell you what you can do to make it. No matter what situation you are in right now.

I can surely tell you that if you are happy that you made it to the front out of 100 people who jumped into a pit along with you, how happy would it make you when you live differently than the millions of other people?

I will give you an example of what happened to someone who actually chose to follow God when she lost both of her hearings even though her gift was to sing


Yes! Remember her from America has got talent? The show where you are judged by a panel of experts and the winner gets a million dollars? A million dollars? You know what kind of money is that? Well, she didn’t become an overnight success. Here is what happened after a few months. This is proof of how God can work in you as much as you let him.

She would later go on to take part in the live shows. She currently is touring the world for concerts and helping young children with hearing disabilities overcome it and get the proper education in countries throughout the world.

When Jesus is there, he can take that disability that you have and turn it into a gift. I don’t know what your heart is yearning for, but you have to stay in the fight and keep working hard with God by your side. You are bound to win.

My brother was one of the 12 people in the entire country who got selected for being a scientist. I don’t believe for one second that it was because he is smart. He had a gift to work hard but God made it happen. When God gives you something, nobody can take it away. My own brother is an example of that.

If you even have an ounce of gamer blood, and you think that you want to win this. You know where to find your team mate. Find the one who has robbed the grave. Find the one whose name makes enemies tremble. Find the one who smacks depression in its face. If you already know him, then help others out. Even the veterans need a medic when they are shot. Help each other to stay in faith, that is what families are there for.

Grab your weapon and play this game with pride. When you make it to the top, I will see you there, Game on.


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2 responses to “Prayer Unknown BattleGround”

  1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


  2. Great one ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


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