I have told you so

I used to come up with exciting and new blog post titles so that people will stop for a few microseconds and click on the post. Not because what I have written but because of the title is something they have never seen before. Well, Today I do not care if my blog gets likes or shares or views. I am not going to add any pictures because that will distract you from what you should read. If you think you have got everything figured out in life, that you have everything you need for the rest of your life, if you think that you are in total control of everything around you, I beg you to leave. This post is for one single person who has been living on the edge of their life. So, Do not read something that is not meant for you.

I do not know if it is for one of my friends or one of their friends. But it is custom written for a single person who has been in darkness for too long. If you can help me to reach that person, well and good. But, do not sit in your comfortable life and judge what you are about to read.

I was fully confused about this thought in my head that kept me thinking about you. I don’t even know who you are but I had this strong feeling that you are somewhere nearby and I am not able to connect with you. If you are reading this, I do not know from where you got the link to this post and what made your eyes run through this sentence. All I know is that you are in desperation. Anybody can write a blog post, even a baby can. Trust me. But I felt I should do the job because I am in the closest proximity to you.

Don’t look around and think I might be writing this in a particular tense because I am using a powerful emotion to get attention. I don’t stoop down to that level when it comes to writing.

I know that you have been feeling nothing lately. You smile at the pictures and you laugh at jokes but you are not really happy, are you? You are just going from one place to the other, one porn site to the other, one boyfriend to the other, one girlfriend to the other, from one drink to another, from one drug to another to find peace in your life. You are searching for something that the world can never give. And you are frikking exhausted.

You don’t want to see any motivational videos or hear anyone talk about dreams because you have decided for yourself that it will never come to pass. You are messed up beyond repair, aren’t you? You keep expecting a relationship where someone will understand what you have been through. You are looking for someone who would validate you, who would stick with you through all that is has happened. Now you are wondering if they would leave you and if the history will repeat itself. Well, let me tell you something that nobody has told you before.

That you wish someone had told you before. Well, here it is.

There is a place for you among the people who think that you should settle for less. Your dreams were in your sleepless nights for a reason. The gifts you have are for a reason. You will be everything you set out to be when your fingers were so small that they could barely hold the phone. You don’t have to watch porn to feel satisfied. You don’t have to constantly hold someone to feel secure. You don’t have to run and beg for favors. You don’t have to watch movies and think about a celebrity lifestyle. There is something bigger that is coming your way that will change your entire lifestyle. Someone had seen you in your crying bed. Someone had seen you when you walked back alone. Some had seen you hiding your intimate secrets. And I am telling you now if you even have an ounce of your broken heart left, trade it for an open mind and you will not feel like a failure anymore.

By now you must have figured that it feels like I am going to talk something Biblical. Heck yes, I am going to. But I am not scared, because I know it is for you and not against you. I don’t have your identity but I know your reality.

Just because I am going to talk about a person who lived two thousand years ago, doesn’t mean I am that good guy or the preacher. I do sin. There are sins in my life that will never get out of my lips. So do not think this is some religious bullshit that I am trying to apply on your face. This is as real as it gets. I did not wake up today to be judged by what you read, I woke up today because you need to read this and you are in a desperate situation that world cannot help you out no matter how hard you bang its doors. I am going to tell you about the grace of a God that is still foreign to you. You might have heard about him somewhere, or watched people pray or passed through a church. If you think you will not read any further because you think I am being religious, Then I am sorry.

It is not my fault that there are 2.19 billion people who happen to have a religion built around Jesus. It is not my fault that you will be willing to picture me as a guy in white robes when I am actually a guy moping the floor and telling you that the master is calling, come in.

You know that it will take an unstoppable force to get you out of your addiction. I am not wasting your precious time. I will tell you about the unstoppable force. There are 1055 pages in the Holy Bible and you know the funniest thing about that is you have access to in even in the unholiest place. Nobody got the time to sit through a thousand pages of text. But the perks of born into a Christian family is that you are forced to read the Bible whether you like it or not. It has all sorts of stories, you might compare it with Greek or any other mythology. But here is where it differs

Civilizations have fallen at the hands of God. There are scriptures stating that battles have won against people who weren’t entirely evil. Egypt fell from the most modern civilization in the history of the ancient world to a mere tourist spot. It took twelve people to make 2.19 billion followers. Ever wondered if all those people are liars and foolish or maybe there is an off chance that you might be wrong about God? Atheists are not people who do not believe in God, They are those people who are disappointed in God and don’t have the audacity to confess it. I can truly say that I am not your favorite movie star or someone from the Indian cricket team whom you would love to hang out with and believe in everything I say. I am an ordinary guy but I know a star that you might wanna meet. Because he wants to meet you.

He was a living superhero before anybody ever came up with Marvel. The way I see it, would you be still and not give a damn if you KNEW that you can meet someone from the comics? Not the Hollywood puppets but the real one. Two thousand years ago, Jesus was nailed to the cross and he died.

So much for an unstoppable force who died like a man and nobody ever knows if he resurrected or it is just a bunch of lies, right? Guess what? I too thought that too. Until I realized that nobody would be willing to die for a bunch of lies. All of his twelve disciples died painful deaths when they could have been at the comfort of their homes. These disciples were once murderers, who were touched by God. If they wanted, they could have threatened people to accept Jesus, but they did not. They were brutally killed on every continent on Earth. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, they wouldn’t have done that. I wish they had YouTube or Instagram at that time because you aren’t willing to believe in anything that isn’t visible. You did not set foot on the moon nor have you seen the wonders of space, yet you believe in horoscopes.

I have checked every logical explanation to not believe in miracles, I was an atheist once too. If I am writing this, that should tell you a lot.

People say that Christians are trying to convert people, well can I be honest with you? If what I believe is true and if he is capable of all that I believe he is capable of, honey, if he wanted you to be a Christian, you would already be a Christian. Do not confuse religion with God. You can run all you want but I know that he is called you out by name. This is beyond any religion or any phenomenon or any goosebumps you might have had. This is your call to come out of the fake life and live with the king.

There is my favorite verse in the Bible that said that Jesus said he was thirsty, a little before he died. I wonder why an Almighty person would be feeling thirsty. It was an eviction notice for death. It was like saying, you can give me the pain of generations of shame and sin and yet I will not be overwhelmed. I am still thirsty to save anyone who is willing to be saved. Imagine what it would have took, even for a man to be hanging from a cross, willing to die for someone he hasn’t even seen yet. I bet he had you in mind when he his blood dripped down to the ground.

So here is your eviction notice.

I do not care if you are male or female if you are addicted, if you were raped or abused at a young age or if you were exposed to porn or drugs or if your dreams are crushed, or you are unemployed or your mother is sick or your father is sick or you have a little brother to take care or a sister to get married. I do not care who you are, But I am here to tell you that your time in the darkness is over. Jesus Christ has what you need, he has so much more for you. If you have something stirring inside your soul, you have come to the right place.

Whatever you are suffering from, God has authority over it. The same God who made you has authority over what you are suffering with. Stop following the slave and meet the person who is willing to do anything in his power to keep you blessed for generations. You will not leave in an empty stomach, you will not be left alone in sickness. You can worship any God that you want, but remember this, there can only be one true God. I bet you that if you ever truly seek Jesus, you will feel like nothing but home.

On a personal note, I hope that you come home soon because your problems are starting to affect your family and your personal life. You have been walking among the worms when you were made to stamp them under your foot. God will be here forever, you only live once on earth. One day you will come to me and tell me that Jesus changed your life upside down, and then I will tell you “I have told you so.”

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One response to “I have told you so”

  1. I didn’t know you were a Christian at all, Didy. This is interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

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