

Most of you would be wondering why you are reading this at the dead of the night or early in the morning where you have pretty much the whole world to worry about. You couldn’t have found these words in a better day. Annihilation is something that unsettled my neurons and made me realize that how powerful words are these days. What impact it would create on a human being. I must warn you, what you are about to read is not for the weak-hearted or the sensitive. It is sure as hell not sugar-coated. Read on to find out the reason why we are on the brink of Annihilation.


Image result for Yolo party club pics

In 2012, the night pubs offered discounts for stags and free walk-in for girls with a big headline stating “Doomsday party”. Of course, we had one hell of a time, meeting strangers and having fun. You wake up the next day and see nothing had changed. Nobody had died. Thousands of years ago, during their free time, someone decided to make a calendar that ends on a particular year because of which people thought it was “okay” for them to do anything they want since they were going to face extinction. Bottomline is, those of them who woke up the next day were not even merely concerned about their lives the day before.

The notion of You only live once is not only stating the obvious but also making you believe you will never make an impact on this huge planet. Some might even say YOLO is a male chauvunist who thinks nobody can achieve anything great and all of us are just leaves withering away on a tree. You live only once, to create a cure for cancer? No. You only live once, so make it to the national team? NO. You only live once, become a chef in an Atlantic cruise ship? NO. You only live once, so drink and fornicate? Yesssssss.

I was watching the movie with the same title as this blog which put many of my doubts into the spotlight and cleared them one by one. We have well established that the best way to live our teenage days is to YOLO but what does it really mean? I look at this cow, every time I go to the office. Has one hell of a time chilling in the grass outside. I have never seen such a calm composed organism who has got everything figured out in its life. Sounds like a perfect life and it is! But if you wanna live a life without leaving any trace or anybody to remember you by, is that even living?

I remember reading Dhoni’s autobiography where he states, “I don’t want people to think I am a good cricketer, I want them to remember me as a good human being,” I have always felt that YOLO is an incomplete sentence, a half-naked truth mutilated by the wealthy kids who wouldn’t last four minutes in the real world.

You only live once, so do something useful for once in your damn life. This is what YOLO means.

When everybody else was busy dating,
Abdul Kalam was doing his research paper.
When everybody else was busy becoming an alcoholic,
Sachin was practicing his straight drive.
When everybody else was busy smoking and getting piercings,
Saina was mastering her smash
when everybody else is doing the same thing that a cow outside my house would do, do something different today.

“No uterus, No opinion,”

Image result for "No vagina, No opinion, friends rachel

Straight from the friends’ sitcom that most people quote. If she hasn’t told you if she has her periods, she isn’t your best friend yet. There has always been some tension and it was better to avoid this altogether if you want people to read your next blog posts or being stereotyped of being in a state of fear about feminists.  But like sexual harassments, I had the courage to speak up because of the fact that I have talked with actual women, who by the way agree with me. (wasn’t easy for them but I respect them a lot) So let’s get down to business.

Almost 7 out of ten women hate the opposite sex. This could be due to various reasons due to episodes of groping or sexual abuse or domestic violence. But more often than not, a girl who hates men,  gets into a relationship with a completely dominant male and call him sweetheart. So who exactly do those seven women hate?

Tall guys with amazing jawline with a flawless body are not even on the list despite them being the perfect example of men. They hate unattractive men. Period. (No pun intended) . By now, the fake feminist would be cursing my mother, yes I have dealt with the worst of them.

We see people who aren’t even ready for an open discussion about feminism. I would be surprised if public nudity doesn’t become a right to not wear clothes by 2089. India hasn’t got freedom until a woman can walk at the dead of night wearing jewels. I don’t see how men are safe in the same context. If any guy were to have the gold chain around his neck and stupidly walks in the dead of night, in a crime-filled neighborhood, he would be killed. Wearing shorts or revealing attire is not an expression of freedom. It is a personal choice. Whether you liked the Nayanthara in Billa or you liked the one in Raja Rani, I will leave that to you.

If drinking and fornicating means that you have equal rights as that of a guy, ask yourself do you even like an alcoholic dad? At the end of the day, the things that you think men are “enjoying”, are actually self-destructing. An average smoker consumes 5 cigarettes a day, which is 60 rupees. A Chola poori is 50 rupees. I am not saying any of this is bad, Smoking causes cancer? Tell that to a Chinese guy who lived 112 years on cigarettes alone. My point is not what is good or bad, It is about what girls who claim themselves to be feminists are diving towards.

All of a sudden these things became an expression of freedom and equal treatment. Of course, you can have beer and smoke, that is your personal choice. Do them if you love getting that air inside your mouth or mixing your rich blood with alcohol. Do it like you were born to do it but if you were to do it only because you are sending out a message to all the dominating men? Who is stupid in this context?

Last but not the least,

It is a common trend these days to blame everything on your mood swings. You are a woman, own it. You expect guys to control their tubes, then you should be able to control your sudden cravings for pizza and cuddling. For the most part, it is an unbearable pain that happens each month. I respect that but do you really have to push it forward to justify everything that you do? What about the women who participate in Olympics, they don’t have periods? The ones who taught me science, they don’t have periods? Were they doing whatever they want during their periods and say they have mood swings hence they were angry? I might be targeting a very low percentage of fake females out there so bear with me.

It is a growing trend and a mindset that makes them feel like they should react in a grumpy or horrible way if they have their periods. There are people who know when to shut up when they know their hormones are jumping here and there. Recently in Bangalore, there was a girl who trained for seven months to participate in the marathon but she was having her periods that day. Guess what she said? It is my body that is bleeding, not me.

Guys are not afraid of blood or frown upon that. Buying tampons are not embarrassing for men but there are certain girls who are at their worst of behaviors and blame it on nature.

The dark side of the moon

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Have you ever fallen down and hurt yourself? What is the first thing that you do? Push someone else down? I hope not. But, strangely enough, most of us chose to get involved in certain things that we know for a fact won’t last long enough just to get through a heartbreak. People get hooked up with others right after a break up to cleanse themselves of all memories and thoughts. “Rebound” if you will. The reason that I get often is that the sadness and pain were too much that the impulse made them do such things.

A decade ago, in any movie you can imagine, the hero and heroine meet in places like restaurants, temples and bus stops. Nowadays, Movies always start with Pubs. Why? Take a wild guess. Because all the broken heart vulnerable people are right under one roof. And by some magic, we are made to believe that this seemingly interesting hot person is going to have all the answers to our questions.

“Just because I am in a bar, doesn’t mean I am a bad person” say a few guys who go there every weekend to see if they can get lucky. I understand that it is a lifestyle but do you really want to process your depression in a way that it could scar you for life? Alcohol in your system creates hormonal imbalances and hallucinations and weak motor controls. That is a biological fact. So not only are you vulnerable with your heart but also your brain and your body. Three days later you start searching for solace. Guys who drink often for no reason should know that it causes erectile dysfunction. Good luck explaining that to your future wife.

Again, going to the bar is not a bad thing. It is a social gathering place, But go there when you are happy. If you are sad, go to the beach. If you feel lonely learn music. I have no idea who gave the notion that fooling around or hooking up with someone would get you out of depression. It would, of course, create an illusion of being in a state of coziness and pleasure. But in the end, you will be standing in a place where you wanted to run away from. Anything that you do to your body, be it drinking or smoking, do it when you are happy. Doing it to relieve pain only puts you in a loop where neither can you get out or completely be inside it. Don’t get sucked into it thinking we have the right to do so. Yes, we do have the right. I have the right to half shave my beard, doesn’t mean it is the best thing that could happen in my life.

The best policy

Image result for being honest dog

To be honest, I was a proper liar 14 years back. (The irony) I used to lie a lot, I mean a lot! My philosophy was that if I could make a person happy with all the lies I tell them, then it was worth it. Sooner or later I found out that I became the wolf guy. (You know the guy whom the villagers didn’t trust when there was an actual wolf around? long story..) After many scars and struggles, I reduced it to a point that anyone could easily manipulate me because I would always tell the truth. There was a decision I had to make, Do I continue to trust other people or do I outsmart them and feed them with lies? Some part of me that got hurt, told me to go back to my old ways, But a major chunk of me refused to go back. I would rather be hated for being honest rather than be loved for lies. (I swear I had heard this somewhere before)

Then I started observing why people would lie about something. At least I could get some understanding right? Turns out they lie to themselves a lot. And like my friend used to quote, those lies become their truth and they die trying to protect that truth and they say I am sick of living someone else’s lives.

If we are not careful with the people who care about us, we would have to put up with someone who treats us less than what we deserve. I have experienced it a lot in my life. Be brutally honest. If you don’t want to get involved, don’t. Learn to be honest about your feelings. If you are scared, tell them you are scared. If you are nervous, tell them you are nervous. It doesn’t matter what happens next, but whatever happens would be real.

Honesty induces respect. Respect kindles your emotions. Your emotions make you feel. Nothing else in this whole damn world would make you feel alive than being honest with yourself and others. If you love them, tell them that you do. The heart can break a million times, You just have to find love once.

So far you have been a great audience, supported me throughout all my ups and downs and save me from self-destruction many times. When all my chips were down, there had always been some random stranger who would give me a heads up. Tell me to keep running. Stopped me from Annihilation. Because it is way too easy to self-destruct. Way too easy to give up and say, I don’t want to be different from others. I have been bombarded with many people who seemed to be living an amazing life by doing what they want without rules and regret. I have been bombarded with people who were man-haters from beginning to the end. I have been bombarded with people who were completely dishonest. I really wanted to throw in the towel and say guess what? I am done being reasonable, I want to be chaotic.

Image result for Will smith working hard pursuit of happyness

I love will smith, he once said “I have no talent at all, but if we get on that treadmill, You either get off first or I die. You can be the hottest, tallest, richest guy on the planet but you will never beat me on a treadmill” I felt like that is the kind of attitude I want to have over life. That is the kind of attitude I want my friends to have. To never give up because giving up is easy. And nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.

Be reasonable, have goals in your life and get on that treadmill. Don’t get distracted by what others post on their Instagram on weekends. You can always travel the world, but you can not chase your dreams if not now. Stop wasting your time on things people call “Enjoyment”. Believe in something and work your ass off, let me know when you make it. I would be the happiest person on Earth.

Stop Annihilating yourself,  Start living.

Love you guys for being there through all my blogs,
Have a great week ahead! See you on the flip side! Ka-chow!

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One response to “Annihilation”

  1. I just came back from 7 km walk into outside of city , most of time I faced blowing dust not because I am health conscious ; because of it gives a escape from life. Life where nothing happen and I think I am responsible completely for not making life less messy. In one word all I can see is worthlessness ; inside and outside.
    But this story gave me to hold a little more and to search more for opportunity .(it’s not like I am gonna end something, just super hard to be happy or start anything productive )


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