Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,
I remember that day vividly, I was a twelve-year-old kid trapped inside the body of a grown-up man. Having a day job and always earning less than my expenses. I wish I could have been elsewhere. Someplace safe. Away from the ordinary lives of other people who by no means were entirely happy about themselves either. I was supposed to be on my way to work, rather took a long vacation by blaming my less severe cold.

I usually take the train but something told me not to. Maybe It was me being lazy, but I wasn’t really sure. As I closed my door and took hesitant steps outside, I felt an uneasy curiosity to check the mailbox. Nobody sends us mails anymore except for the passport office which made the curiosity even more awkward to have. Nevertheless, I opened the small rusted red box outside the gate and was surprised to see an envelope.

More shocked because there were no stamps, Just my name on it in cursive handwriting. I looked around if there was anybody playing a prank while at the same time opening the letter and diving my hands in them.

There was an ink pen and If I am not wrong, I also remember seeing certain words etched on the side of it. It said “You have been removed from detention”

On a second glance, the words seemed to have replaced, which was rather odd. It read, “Touch the nib”

Being the little kid I was on the inside, I opened the ink pen and touched the nib.

I saw the sky drawing down like curtains while I was being pushed into this virtual vortex. Everything around me seemed to be stretched and had vivid colors. I felt floating around but I had no idea where I was. It appeared as though I was stuck inside a tube.

I felt a breath of fresh air blowing harshly on my face as the surrounding colors were becoming greener. I could make out rivers on the side but it was painful to keep my eyes open. I felt being stretched and my spine would break anytime. And in split second, my life changed.

I was sitting in front of a wooden table, with a huge turkey in the middle. The room was lit by candles and there were a bunch of kids sitting next to me. I was startled to see that my fingers were rather small and my skin complexion had become fair by at least three tones. I looked at my reflection on the plate, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Where have you been mate? I told you not to mess around during our classes” one of them told. He even poked his fork on my arms, which I remember,  causing me a bit of pain.

I refrained from asking the typical question of where I was or who I was, I was trying to take a moment to soak into my environment.

“Look at him. He looks white as a ghost,” the fork kid said.

“He just got back from detention, give him some time. It is part of the punishment really,” a redhead said softly as she flipped the page of the book by moving her head.

I saw a pale blue ghost drifting across one of the adjacent tables. Then it hit me. This place was quite familiar. I have been here before, not in real life of course.

“what happened?” I said, my voice had gone completely soft.

“You, my dear were flying your broomstick all around the campus, which is strictly forbidden.”

I looked behind to see who it was, she was lean and tall, wearing a pointy hat and her eyes always looked over her glasses. Must be one of the teachers I guessed.

“Here, drink this. It will come back to you.” she insisted, giving me a small glass cup filled with what tasted like lemon juice with too much lemon.

I rubbed my sweaty hands on my robe which had a red and orange insignia. I could remember less and less of where I was two minutes ago. It all seemed strange that I was familiar with the bizarre surrounding I was in.

“Where did you go this time? China? Last time you were in the jungle I believe, you wouldn’t shut up about the mosquitos. I don’t know what you get out of flying around like that. At least tell us what you are up to.”

“I don’t think he remembers who we are,” she said, “Next time it won’t be a detention, they would expel you for good. It’s a miracle that you are still here.”

“I think he is practicing for the tournaments, The stairs could be a bit of a challenge,”

“No, I remember I was chasing something,” I said, remembering a vague picture of what had happened last time.

“You mean you were chasing a snitch?”

“No…It was a knife.”

“A flying knife? Hold on, I think I remember it. My Grandmother used to tell me,” she said, trying to bring back those facts.

“after the third war, they made a truce. Making the one Horcrux into a stone and hid it somewhere in the castle.” she continued, “The knife was made to destroy it if ever the need comes. You are telling me that you found it?”

“I am not sure, but I remember going after it.”

“Whose dumb idea was it to have a flying knife inside a school? he said, looking a bit annoyed at the prospect.

“It was a potter knife. The one that behaves every bit like a snitch. Nobody has been better at catching them unless you were a potter yourself hence it makes sense.”

I felt my blood rushing through my veins. I couldn’t wait. I understood why I got detention. I wanted to know who I was. Where I came from. The knife was the answer.

I stood before a peculiar picture that asked me for a password. I don’t remember what it was but my muscle memory got me in.

“The last time there were three kids roaming around the castle when they were not supposed to, the world changed its course.”  said one old woman in the picture as I tried to find my gear.

I knew what I should do now. but before that, I need to write this down before things ever went out of hand.

Dear diary, as I write this with a quill, tell my story when I come back to you again.

Mischief managed 

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